Go Green is the buzz around after cloud computing, but the real concern is can each one of us contribute towards this initiative to save our planet .According to a survey, 5 million hectares of forests are cut down every year just to fulfill our everyday need for paper. A need we fulfill in a very careless, selfish and a wasteful manner.How many times have we thought if we really need the print out of a document ?
Why do we need a bill after we eat something at a hotel ? we can save paper by making use of a small digital screen on every table of the hotel, may be a black n white screen found in old digital diaries can also be used. This will save paper and ink. Another excellent idea from CHEIL India - MinusOneProject is also shown in the below.
Do your bit by reducing the font size by 1 before printing a document. Save paper. Help the forests. Reduce the font-size by one before printing and save our forests.
Finally something techie ,
More Forests = Print( doc(font-size--) ) ;
So how will you spread this message ??? take a mass pledge in your office,Spread Minus One in your school/college/organization, publish an article on Minus One or JUST SHARE THIS LINK/ARTICLE.
Here's video on the Minus One project :
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